Home Learning And Education Websites
Home Learning
At the City of Peterborough Academy we believe parents and carers play an important role in securing the best possible academic attainment for their children. One area that parents and carers have an impact is the support and monitoring of homework regularly set by our subject teachers.
Class Charts is our online platform for recording the setting of homework for your child for their academic subjects. Via Class Charts you will be able to track the homework set for your child and completion of this work. Please use your individual parent log in to access your child’s profile. Every student has their own log in to view their homework set. If you require any assistance with using Class Charts, please contact your child’s Head of Year.
At the City of Peterborough Academy students are expected to complete homework each week. We value home learning as an important part of a child’s learning to consolidate and extend learning in class. At Key Stage 3 students are expected to spend a minimum of 20 minutes on homework per subject each week. At Key Stage 4 students are expected to spend a minimum of 30 minutes on homework per subject each week.
Home Learning tasks set on ClassCharts will often link to other websites used across the Academy for homework...
· gcsepod
· Microsoft Teams
· www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
· www.thenational.academy
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is the platform we use to set assignments and communicate with students. In computer based subjects your child will be using Microsoft Teams Notebook to record their work. Your child will find homework through assignments and within the Notebook feature in Teams.
Please use the purple links lower down this page to read find information regarding gcsepod.
Other Education Websites
In addition to this, there are a wide range of websites available to support learning and links are available below. Whilst every effort is made to ensure these websites are suitable for our pupils, we cannot be responsible for their content and would encourage parents to monitor their child whilst working on-line.
(For information on how to access learning in the event of a full or partial Academy closure, please visit this page - Remote Education )